Source code for cvpack.meta_collective_variable

.. class:: MetaCollectiveVariable
   :platform: Linux, MacOS, Windows
   :synopsis: A function of other collective variables

.. classauthor:: Charlles Abreu <>


from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t
from copy import copy

import openmm
from openmm import unit as mmunit

from .collective_variable import CollectiveVariable
from .units import Quantity, ScalarQuantity, VectorQuantity, in_md_units
from .utils import compute_effective_mass, get_single_force_state

[docs] class MetaCollectiveVariable(CollectiveVariable, openmm.CustomCVForce): r""" A collective variable that is a function of other collective variables: .. math:: f({\bf r}) = F\left(c_1({\bf r}), c_2({\bf r}), \ldots, c_n({\bf r})\right) where :math:`F(c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_n)` is a user-defined function and :math:`c_i({\bf r})` is the value of the :math:`i`-th collective variable at a given configuration :math:`{\bf r}`. The function :math:`F` is defined as a string and can be any expression supported by the :OpenMM:`CustomCVForce` class. If the expression contains named parameters, the value of each parameter can be passed in one of two ways: #. By a semicolon-separated definition in the function string, such as described in the :OpenMM:`CustomCompoundBondForce` documentation. In this case, the parameter value will be the same for all groups of atoms. #. By a scalar passed as a keyword argument to the :class:`AtomicFunction` constructor. In this case, the parameter will apply to all atom groups and will become available for on-the-fly modification during a simulation via the ``setParameter`` method of an :OpenMM:`Context` object. **Warning**: other collective variables or :OpenMM:`Force` objects in the same system will share the same values of equal-named parameters. Parameters ---------- function The function to be evaluated. It must be a valid :OpenMM:`CustomCVForce` expression. variables A sequence of :class:`CollectiveVariable` instances that represent the collective variables on which the meta-collective variable depends. The name of each collective variable must be unique and match a symbol used in the function. unit The unit of measurement of the collective variable. It must be compatible with the MD unit system (mass in `daltons`, distance in `nanometers`, time in `picoseconds`, temperature in `kelvin`, energy in `kilojoules_per_mol`, angle in `radians`). If the collective variables does not have a unit, use `unit.dimensionless` periodicBounds The periodic bounds of the collective variable if it is periodic, or `None` if it is not periodic. Keyword Args ------------ **parameters The named parameters of the function, if any. They will become settable context parameters when this meta-collective variable is added to an :OpenMM:`System`. The passed objects must be scalar quantities. Their values will be converted to OpenMM's MD unit system to serve as default values for the context parameters. Example ------- >>> import cvpack >>> import math >>> import openmm >>> from openmm import unit >>> from openmmtools import testsystems >>> model = testsystems.AlanineDipeptideVacuum() >>> phi = cvpack.Torsion(6, 8, 14, 16, name="phi") >>> driving_force = cvpack.MetaCollectiveVariable( ... f"0.5*kappa*min(delta,{2*math.pi}-delta)^2" ... "; delta=abs(phi-phi0)", ... [phi], ... unit.kilojoules_per_mole, ... kappa = 1e3 * unit.kilojoules_per_mole/unit.radian**2, ... phi0 = 120 * unit.degrees ... ) >>> driving_force.addToSystem(model.system) >>> integrator = openmm.VerletIntegrator(0) >>> platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference') >>> context = openmm.Context(model.system, integrator, platform) >>> context.setPositions(model.positions) >>> driving_force.getParameterDefaultValues() {'kappa': 1000.0 kJ/(mol rad**2), 'phi0': 2.094... rad} >>> driving_force.getParameterValues(context) {'kappa': 1000.0 kJ/(mol rad**2), 'phi0': 2.094... rad} >>> driving_force.getValue(context) 548.3... kJ/mol >>> driving_force.getInnerValues(context) {'phi': 3.14... rad} >>> driving_force.getInnerEffectiveMasses(context) {'phi': 0.05119... nm**2 Da/(rad**2)} >>> driving_force.getParameterDerivatives(context) {'kappa': 0.548... rad**2, 'phi0': -1047.19... kJ/(mol rad)} """ def __init__( self, function: str, variables: t.Iterable[str], unit: mmunit.Unit, periodicBounds: t.Optional[VectorQuantity] = None, name: str = "meta_collective_variable", **parameters: ScalarQuantity, ) -> None: super().__init__(function) self._cvs = tuple(map(copy, variables)) self._parameters = {k: in_md_units(v) for k, v in parameters.items()} for cv in self._cvs: self.addCollectiveVariable(cv.getName(), cv) for parameter, value in self._parameters.items(): self.addGlobalParameter(parameter, value / value.unit) self.addEnergyParameterDerivative(parameter) self._registerCV( name, unit, function=function, variables=variables, unit=unit, periodicBounds=periodicBounds, **self._parameters, ) if periodicBounds is not None: self._registerPeriodicBounds(*periodicBounds)
[docs] def getInnerVariables(self) -> t.Tuple[CollectiveVariable]: """ Get the collective variables on which the meta-collective variable depends. Returns ------- Tuple[CollectiveVariable] A tuple with the collective variables. """ return self._cvs
[docs] def getInnerValues(self, context: openmm.Context) -> t.Dict[str, Quantity]: """ Get the values of the collective variables on which the meta-collective variable depends. The values are returned as a dictionary with the names of the collective variables as keys. Parameters ---------- context The context in which the collective variables will be evaluated. Returns ------- Dict[str, Quantity] A dictionary with the names of the collective variables as keys and their values as values. """ values = self.getCollectiveVariableValues(context) return { cv.getName(): Quantity(value, cv.getUnit()) for cv, value in zip(self._cvs, values) }
[docs] def getInnerEffectiveMasses(self, context: openmm.Context) -> t.Dict[str, Quantity]: """ Get the effective masses of the collective variables on which the meta-collective variable depends. The effective masses are calculated from the forces acting on the particles that represent the collective variables. Parameters ---------- context The context in which the collective variables will be evaluated. Returns ------- Dict[str, Quantity] A dictionary with the names of the collective variables as keys and their effective masses as values. """ inner_context = self.getInnerContext(context) masses = [ compute_effective_mass(force, inner_context) for force in inner_context.getSystem().getForces() ] return { cv.getName(): Quantity(mass, cv.getMassUnit()) for cv, mass in zip(self._cvs, masses) }
[docs] def getParameterDefaultValues(self) -> t.Dict[str, Quantity]: """ Get the default values of the named parameters of this meta-collective variable. Returns ------- Dict[str, Quantity] A dictionary with the names of the named parameters as keys and their default values as values. """ return self._parameters.copy()
[docs] def getParameterValues(self, context: openmm.Context) -> t.Dict[str, Quantity]: """ Get the values of the named parameters of this meta-collective variable. The values are returned as a dictionary with the names of the parameters as keys. Parameters ---------- context The context in which the named parameters will be evaluated. Returns ------- Dict[str, Quantity] A dictionary with the names of the named parameters as keys and their values as values. """ return { name: Quantity(context.getParameter(name), parameter.unit) for name, parameter in self._parameters.items() }
[docs] def getParameterDerivatives( self, context: openmm.Context, allowReinitialization: bool = False, ) -> t.Dict[str, Quantity]: """ Get the derivatives of the named parameters of this meta-collective variable. Returns ------- Dict[str, Quantity] A dictionary with the names of the named parameters as keys and their derivatives as values. """ state = get_single_force_state( self, context, allowReinitialization, getParameterDerivatives=True ) derivatives = state.getEnergyParameterDerivatives() return { name: Quantity(derivatives[name], self._unit / parameter.unit) for name, parameter in self._parameters.items() }